Nothing like needing to do a little studying and not being able to leave the house to really get you doing the home cooking and the blogging. Last week, pad thai made after a rather harrowing long distance grocery shopping trip and a casual dinner get together (as well as a rather glorious day of playing hooky at the beach) and today (cause we are hardly into this week yet) grocery shopping and a stirfry with salads and indian cauliflower because otherwise the cauliflower would have plain old gone to waste. Pretty good since for the past two years 99% (no exaggeration) of the time my fridge has butter, maybe eggs, 2 sauces, mayonnaisse and nothing else. It was coming to the conclusion and then verbalising the rather depressing statement "i eat bad pizza twice a week" that really made me take pity upon myself. I'm switching to bad pizza once a week. (well, trying to...) I really dislike jarred pasta sauces. So i think a key factor in helping me to turn over a new leaf is finding a home cooked food that doesn't require chopping to eat on those nights when I am too tired. Oh wait. SANDWICHES. I LOVE SANDWICHES.
Here's a photo of some generic looking sandwiches I stole from the CDC web site. Enjoy!!